Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Strength of a Missionary

So, one of my teammates made this video and I asked her if I could use it, because I think it is amazing. It is incredibly inspiring for athletes, but it's interesting because once Ilene pointed out that it is inspiring for missionary work as well-it fit perfectly. I can't even imagine how tough missionary work can be. Tracking day in and day out, some people listening and some people not. Yet, every missionary has what makes him or her stronger. Of course God gives us family. Of course God gives us friends. He knows we are going to go through hard times and He wasn't about to let us go through them alone. For me, if I were to make a video like this. I would say that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ make me stronger everyday. They know I have weaknesses and they allow me to work them into strengths. My family and every person that I know I am supposed to meet--Jake and his family--support that I know I will always have even when I am miles away. These things make me stronger :)

1 comment:

  1. Carly Thank you for posting this and adding your comments. It has made me also think what makes me strong and it is the testimony I have of my Heavenly Father and his plan for us. That he does love us. But due to our mortality we needed a Savior and Jesus Christ took this assignment because of his great love for us. We are learning. The test is will we turn to Jesus Christ and accept his offer of the atonement. Jacob you are awesome and do not for get that. You have so many people who support and love you. But mostly in the end it is the love of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that we get us through any thing and every thing.
