Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Spiritual Giant!

I just got back from Pioneer Trek and it was incredible! One of the days focused a lot on missionary work and how it is so crucial for young men to go and to grow on missions. There were five girls and seven boys in my family. As we approached a very steep and bumpy road, the boys were given mission calls and were asked to leave the sisters behind. After watching the young men proceed up the hill we gathered together as women and tears streamed down my face--the experience was perfectly applicable. The Stake President's wife then spoke to us about how we as young women need to do everything in our power to encourage boys to go on missions. Then we pulled the handcarts up the trail as women. I have never had a greater confirmation that the Lord knew me individually and that Jake was where he was supposed to be until that moment. Then as the Trek ended and I finished pulling the handcart my mom handed me a letter!!! Jake is and is continually becoming a spiritual giant :) Here is just a part of his most recent letter that I loved:

"I know without a doubt that our Heavenly Father wants me to go to Arizona. I know that our Heavenly Father will guide and help me to those He has already prepared for the gospel of Jesus Christ!"

Awesome, huh?! I can't wait to hear about his experiences in Arizona :)

1 comment:

  1. Carly that must have been such a beautiful experience to be able to relate it to your own life now. P.s. Saw a picture of you playing the violin on trek.
